Bu makala The Review of Faith & International Affairs žurnalynda çap edilen golýazmanyň kabul edilen görnüşiniň terjimesi. Makalanyň asyl nusgasynyň sitata getirmek üçin salgysy: Victoria Clement (2021), “‘Turkmen Islam’ and the Paucity of Real Pluralism in Turkmenistan’s Post-Soviet Nation-building”, The Review of Faith & International Affairs, 19:4, 70-84, DOI: 10.1080/15570274.2021.1989808.
Bu terjime The Review of Faith & International Affairs žurnalynyň rugsady bilen post edildi. Progres Fondy diňe makalanyň terjimesi üçin jogapkär.
This is a translation of an Accepted Manuscript published in The Review of Faith & International Affairs. The citation information for the version of record is: Victoria Clement (2021), “Turkmen Islam’ and the Paucity of Real Pluralism in Turkmenistan’s Post-Soviet Nation-building”, The Review of Faith & International Affairs, 19:4, 70-84, DOI: 10.1080/15570274.2021.1989808.
Dr. Victoria Clement is an Instructor at the Brute Krulak Center at Marine Corps University.
This translation is posted here by permission of The Review of Faith & International Affairs. Progres Foundation is solely responsible for the translation work.