In his study, The Role of Party Interest Articulation in the Personalist-Authoritarian Regimes of the Central Asian Republics of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan, published in 2020, Professor Rico Isaacs of the...
In their study Desire for children in Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan: son preference and perceived instrumentality for value satisfaction, published in 2001, Nuran Hortascu, Sharon S. Bastug, and Ovezdurdi B...
Turkmen students are increasingly pursuing higher education abroad, seeking to return to Turkmenistan afterwards. However, according to the study published in 2017, Labor market integration of returned educational...
Without census data, Turkmenistan cannot be well-governed. The government’s promise of unity, happiness, and bright future cannot be achieved without data. On December 17-27, 2022 Turkmenistan conducted a national...
The national strategy of Turkmenistan on climate change is data-scarce with no targets and measurable commitments. Country’s nationally determined contributions (NDCs) are not publicly available. The government has not...
Electrification plays a key role in decarbonisation. However, it can be a viable option only when these grids are powered by clean energy. While many countries are moving toward renewables there are still some countries...
A recently published report Methane in Central Asia: emissions, trends, actions by Zoï Environment Network looks into methane emissions in Central Asian countries. The report presents an overview of the source of the...
According to Climate TRACE, Turkmenistan emitted a total of 448 million tons of carbon dioxide in 2021. The database has emissions data from 51 physical assets. Climate TRACE uses a comprehensive map to display carbon...
Have you ever thought of working on an educational project that benefits the public in Turkmenistan? If you are a researcher, blogger from Turkmenistan and you are interested in data storytelling for public education...