
Turkmenistan’s Military Strength in the 2025 Global Firepower Ranking

The Global Firepower (GFP) ranking evaluates 145 countries based on over 60 factors, including military capacity, financial resources, logistics, natural resources, and geography. The ranking balances smaller, technologically advanced nations against larger, less-developed powers, applying special modifiers (bonuses and penalties) to refine results.

In 2025, the top three military powers remain the USA, Russia, and China. Among Central Asian nations, the rankings are:

  • Kazakhstan – 57th;
  • Uzbekistan – 58th;
  • Turkmenistan – 77th;
  • Kyrgyzstan – 105th;
  • Tajikistan – 108th.

Key Indicators of Turkmenistan’s Military Strength

  • Manpower: Turkmenistan has 2,245,963 people fit for military service. It ranks 103rd globally, lowest among Central Asian countries.
  • Military Equipment: Turkmenistan ranks 75th globally for its aircraft fleet strength.
  • Defense Budget: Turkmenistan’s annual defense budget is $1.08 billion and it ranks 86th globally.
  • Logistics: Total available labor force of Turkmenistan is 2,163,000 and it ranks 115th globally.
  • Geography: Turkmenistan’s total land area is 488,100 km² and it ranks 53rd globally.
  • Natural Resources: Turkmenistan ranks among the top five countries globally for its proven natural gas reserves of 11.3 trillion cubic meters and 42nd for its proven oil reserves with 600 million barrels.

Despite its vast energy reserves, Turkmenistan ranks relatively low in military strength compared to its regional counterparts, primarily due to its limited manpower, military assets, and financial allocation to defense.

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