What does the public in Turkmenistan think about the status of women and girls? PRESS RELEASEMarch 8, 2023 Women and girls in Turkmenistan are not safe online and their chances of encountering hateful content have been...
In his study, The Role of Party Interest Articulation in the Personalist-Authoritarian Regimes of the Central Asian Republics of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan, published in 2020, Professor Rico Isaacs of the...
January 2023: Palaw Index drops by 8.8%. Onion prices saw a staggering 164% increase amid extreme cold weather. The average cost of cooking palaw in Ashgabat was 78.2 Turkmen manat in January 2023, which is 1.5% higher...
According to a study conducted by the Eurasian Monitor, very few surveyed Central Asian and Eastern European countries find Turkmenistan to be a “hostile” nation in terms of political support and partnership. People...
According to Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index, Turkmenistan continues to struggle with endemic corruption and is showing no signs of improvement in 2022. What is the Corruption Perception Index...
Startup companies are a crucial part of boosting the Tajik economy. However, according to the report “Tajikistan: startups are needed, but conditions are lacking” by the Central Asian Bureau for Analytical Reporting...
Summary Since 2015 Turkmenistan has been implementing import-substitution policies which came into force during the foreign currency shortages and the emergence of the black-market exchange rate. In this policy brief...
Understanding Internet access in Turkmenistan. Despite the fact that the UN has declared and affirmed that access to the Internet is a basic human right, citizens of Turkmenistan are unable to practice and enjoy this...
In their study Desire for children in Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan: son preference and perceived instrumentality for value satisfaction, published in 2001, Nuran Hortascu, Sharon S. Bastug, and Ovezdurdi B...
Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan are both former Soviet nations that are rich in hydrocarbons and yet they have radically different approaches towards transparency in extractive industries. In the paper Geopolitics and...