According to a study conducted by the Eurasian Monitor, very few surveyed Central Asian and Eastern European countries find Turkmenistan to be a “hostile” nation in terms of political support and partnership. People...
Startup companies are a crucial part of boosting the Tajik economy. However, according to the report “Tajikistan: startups are needed, but conditions are lacking” by the Central Asian Bureau for Analytical Reporting...
The recently published report Modernizing Irrigation in Central Asia: Concept and Approaches by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations presents the results of a year-long study on irrigation...
According to the UN report, UN Women: Rethinking the Care Economy and Empowering Women for a Better Recovery, women in Eastern Europe and Central Asia gain empowerment when their responsibility for unpaid work is...
According to the World Bank Report, internal climate migration in Central Asia is expected to increase by 2050 in all three scenarios: the pessimistic reference scenario, the inclusive development scenario, and the...
The World Meteorological Organization has recently published its first State of Global Water Resources report which assesses the effects of climate, environmental and societal change on global water resources...